Monday, February 03, 2003

I'm psycho (yeah, right)

Psychotic disorders include severe mental disorders which are characterized by extreme impairment of a person's ability to think clearly, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately.(stolen from here)
Last friday I sort of went to the shrink. A friend of mine, who ahappens to be studying psychology asked me to be her lab rat. I said yes, and so we wound up drinking juguito at Bulevar Niza. One of her conclussions was that I was psychotic (I cannot actually tell when these people are joking and when they are telling the truth, they say it all with a real straight face, that makes it hard to tell). I have to say that, reading the definition, if I understood reality then I would have to become suicidal, but since I don't, and ignorance is bliss, I can stay alive.

I still don't seem to grasp why some twisted mind would like to make a living out of fleshing out everybody elses mind. The thing is that it got me thinking a lot about what we call "normal". Most people would say "normal" is good. I would ask WTF is normal? Is it conforming? is it "sold to the system"? is it "unable to diverge"?, continuing the saga of ignorance being bliss, is normal a state of confortable numbness where you have ceased to interrogate, and trouble yourself with questions?

I have no doubt that the state of confortable numbness is by far easier than restless doubting, but is it convenient? is it desirable just to let doubts, and tought fall asleep for the sake of normality?

If it is I'd rather not be labeled with such a tag

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