Saturday, February 15, 2003


These last few days I have been dedicating myself to that useless spending of time known to men as "vueltas". In order to start working I've had to produce an incredible amount of documents, from a 3x4 picture, to a medical examination, to several recomendation letters. That thing of writing recomendation letters is, from my point of view, a useless exercise. Most of the time the people would be willing to endorse the letter, but not willing to spend the time required in making it, so, they ask the demanding party (which in this case was me) to produce the letter so that they can then sign it. This leads the letter-seeker (again, me) to a very stupid exercise of self flattering where one has to say how perfect and nice, and gentle, and good with people and whatever, one is. I don't actually think they would read the letters, or use them for anything. For instance, if I decide to turn evil and run away with money or clients, what can anybody do? blame the person who signed the recommendation letter?
After reading my blog my kinda-shrink (the person that's using me as a Guinea Pig for a psychological project) told me that the psycho part was a joke, but that her diagnosis would be one of "lack of inner reflection" and "fear of failiure". Oh, my God I have seen the light. (Yeah, right)

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