Thursday, March 20, 2003

Cries of war

Unavoidably so, the topic that comes to mind the easiest these days is war. However, I don't think that what is happening in Irak deserves to be labeled as war. Slaughter or killing frenzy seems more like it. No superpower in history had ever accumulated such a global influence in all fields as the US has today. Up until now, however the exercise of that power had to be, at least diplomatically, backed up by a set of values like "democracy" or "freedom" that where perceived as the founding values of the US society. After this, however, nothing stops a redneck texan, who had never gone abroad before his election as president from doing whatever he wants. Since US's military budget exceeds, by much, that of the next top five defense spenders, it is safe to say that no one in the planet can stand against the US war machine. Today it is Irak, because of it's oil or its euros or it's location. As Jorge Baron put it: "Y mañana desde cualquier lugar del mundo". Who knows? french wine is too expensive, german beer is taking a cut into the US market, colombian drugs are draining US dollars out of the US economy, Indian software programmers are working too much, the government in China is using too much non Microsoft software, the japanese are not opening their eyes when they talk to uncle Sam, the russians have too cold a weather. Anything can be a reason for war, so sit back and relax, the next one might be you

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