Effective today I have decided to retire from programming altogether and become an expert on systemic thinking and soft methods of approaching organizational thinking.
I have given much tought to this decision, but I have seen the light, programming is not the way, we should all become marketers and focus on selling instead of producing things that actually do something. This way we all would notice that making money is about selling a bug as a feature, a delay as a reorganization and a failure as a learning quest, and that programmers are herds of monkeys that can be replaced by jibba jabba.
Along with this changes I have also decided to join the cult of the "Golden Window" that praises William H Gates III as a God, and mandates that at least once in a lifetime all the followers must make a peregrination to Redmond, Washington, to pay omage. The sacred book is the "Open letter to hobbyists" and the EULAs are converted into prayers that must be recited by heart every day.